Ryan Couzens Gets Results

Prison Avoided

Ryan Couzens

My client was charged with evading police as a felony. Because of his prior record, he was facing time in prison. By briefing the law and presenting evidence at a preliminary hearing, I was able to convince the judge to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor, removing the threat of a prison sentence for my client. Continue reading →

Diversion Granted

Ryan Couzens

My client fled from the police in a 100+ MPH chase, resulting in a felony evading charge. He is a young man with no record who was diagnosed with ADHD. I submitted expert opinion and extensive briefing asking the judge to allow my client to participate in Mental Health Diversion, and the judge agreed. If my client participates in mental health treatment, his case will be dismissed. Continue reading →

No Charges Filed

Ryan Couzens

Client fought with her boyfriend in a public place. She was arrested for domestic violence as the “primary aggressor.” After gathering evidence and witness statements, I provided them to the DA. They reviewed the information and decided not to file charges. Continue reading →

Charges Not Filed

Ryan Couzens

My client was caught in a “sting” selling cigarettes to a minor. After I had several communications with the Sacramento DA’s charging desk, the DA elected not to file charges against my client. Continue reading →

Felony Vandalism Dismissed

Ryan Couzens

My client was charged with felony vandalism. I worked out an agreement with the DA that the charge would be reduced to a misdemeanor and the case dismissed once the client paid to fix the damage. This “civil compromise” meant no probation or other terms; the charges were dismissed. Continue reading →