Cohen Defense Group Gets Results

Felony Charges Expunged

Barry Zimmerman

My client faced multiple felony counts of criminal threats. I tried the case and hung the jury. I then worked out a misdemeanor resolution that allowed my client to participate in Veteran’s Court. My client successfully completed Veteran’s Court and all of his charges were expunged. Continue reading →

Drug Case Dismissed

Camille Halley

My client was charged with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia found when law enforcement searched her car during a traffic stop. I challenged the legality of the search, and the judge excluded the drugs and paraphernalia from evidence. The case was dismissed. Continue reading →

Lifetime Registration Avoided

Barry Zimmerman

My client’s felony child molest charges would have resulted in lifetime sex offender registration if found true. I was able to hang the jury, avoiding conviction at trial. The case resolved for a misdemeanor with no custody time and no registration. Continue reading →

Domestic Violence Case Dismissed

Barry Zimmerman

My client was facing more than 10 years in prison on domestic violence charges. By working the case up for trial, I was able to convince the DA to dismiss all charges right before trial began. Continue reading →

Drug Case Dismissed

Danielle Nygren

My client was charged with possession of misappropriated property and drug paraphernalia. I set the case for a jury trial and filed a motion to suppress evidence. The judge granted my motion, ruling that the police had violated my client’s 4th amendment rights by performing an illegal search. The case was dismissed. Continue reading →

Acquitted of Felony

Barry Zimmerman

My client was charged with felony animal cruelty. I got the charges reduced to misdemeanors before trial and then won a not guilty verdict from the jury. My client was acquitted and the dogs ordered returned to the family at no cost. Continue reading →

Felony Vandalism Dismissed

Ryan Couzens

My client was charged with felony vandalism. I worked out an agreement with the DA that the charge would be reduced to a misdemeanor and the case dismissed once the client paid to fix the damage. This “civil compromise” meant no probation or other terms; the charges were dismissed. Continue reading →

Charges Not Filed

Danielle Nygren

I provided information to the DA before charges were filed. After evaluating it, they decided not to file domestic violence battery charges on my client. Continue reading →

Judge Reduced Charges

Danielle Nygren

I convinced the judge to reduce a felony conspiracy to a misdemeanor over the DA’s objection, by presenting mitigating factors to the court. The judge reduced the charge even though my client had 5 prior convictions on her record, including one felony. Continue reading →

Charges Not Filed

Ryan Couzens

My client was caught in a “sting” selling cigarettes to a minor. After I had several communications with the Sacramento DA’s charging desk, the DA elected not to file charges against my client. Continue reading →