Cohen Defense Group Gets Results

Charges Avoided

Roy Park

Police filed a report accusing my client of sexual assault based on what was really a consensual encounter. I was able to work with the DA and law enforcement to demonstrate my client’s innocence and prevent charges being filed. This preserved my client’s reputation and saved him the stress of fighting the charges in court. Continue reading →

Felony Charges Dismissed

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My client faced five felony charges, subjecting him to a possible prison sentence. I felt there was a lack of evidence against my client, so I contested the charges at a preliminary hearing. The judge dismissed four of the charges and reduced the fifth to a misdemeanor. The case resolved for one misdemeanor with no jail time. Continue reading →

Driving Privilege Reinstated

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My client’s driver’s license was suspended for driving under the influence. I contested the suspension at a DMV hearing and called the forensic toxicologist as a witness. After hearing testimony, the hearing officer set aside the suspension and reinstated my client’s driving privilege. Continue reading →

Military Diversion Granted

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My client is a veteran who I believed qualified for military diversion on his charges. The DA objected, but I was able to convince the judge to divert my client out of the criminal justice system. Continue reading →

Case Dismissed

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My client was charged with driving under the influence. I investigated and prepared the case for trial. My preparations and communication with the the DA before trial demonstrated that the DA did not have enough evidence to dismiss the case. The charges were dismissed. Continue reading →

Charges Reduced-Client Released

Danielle Keller

My client faced felony burglary and theft charges in three different cases. A warrant had been outstanding for a long time. When my client turned herself in on the warrant, I was able to demonstrate to the DA that she had been rehabilitated since her arrests. Based on that, the DA resolved the case for misdemeanors with no additional jail time.

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Felony Charge Reduced

Joe Alexander

My client was charged in Truckee with felony assault with a deadly weapon. I presented evidence to the DA that showed my client acted in self-defense. I demonstrated that my client did not have a criminal history, had been steadily employed for a period of time, and had good standing in the Truckee community. After considering everything, the DA agreed to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. Continue reading →

Case Dismissed

Roy Park

My client was a victim of domestic violence. When police responded she told her young children that they didn’t have to talk to the police. She was charged with dissuading a witness. I shared my concerns with the DA about various legal issues, including questionable actions by the officers, and the rights of the children. After discussion, the DA decided to dismiss the case. Continue reading →

Diversion Granted

Roy Park

My 19-year-old client faced multiple charges, both misdemeanor and felony. During the time of the charged incidents, he had begun to struggle with symptoms of a serious mental health diagnosis. Prior to the mental health issue, he had no record so I asked to put him in a mental health diversion program. We argued the issue in court and the judge agreed. My client is now receiving treatment, has a job, and is doing well. By complying with treatment, he will earn a dismissal of all charges and have a clean record going forward. Continue reading →

Client’s Career Protected

Roy Park

My client was charged with felony possession of stolen property. She was in school earning an Associates Degree and hoped to continue her education beyond that. After a conversation with the DA about her good character and future prospects, they agreed to resolve the case for a misdemeanor and entry into a Deferred Entry of Judgment program. My client can now earn a dismissal of the case and continue with her education. Continue reading →

Charge Reduced

Joe Alexander

My client was charged with Unlawful Burning at a Tahoe area campground. He was a young man who was fishing next to a pond. He started a small fire to keep warm. Unfortunately, the fire was not in an approved campfire ring, so he was cited for a misdemeanor. I presented evidence to the DA of my client’s youth, his cooperation with authorities, and his willingness to take responsibility for his mistake. The DA agreed to reduce the charge to an infraction and allowed my client to do community service as a penalty, instead of paying fines. Continue reading →

Case Dismissed

Danielle Keller

My client was charged with felony car theft. At preliminary hearing I was able to convey to the DA that my client had no idea that the car had been reported stolen. The DA dismissed the case.

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Charges Dismissed

Joe Alexander

My client, a small business owner in the Tahoe area, was charged with felony theft. I was able to identify weaknesses in the DA’s evidence for trial. I discussed these issues with the DA and ultimately convinced him to dismiss the charges. Continue reading →

Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor

Keegan Smith

My client was charged with felony child abuse. I filed a written motion to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. I presented evidence that parents were working with medical professionals to help the child, who had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome when they adopted him. I also gathered and presented character letters that showed a good deal of community support for my client. After considering everything, the judge reduced the charge to a misdemeanor. Continue reading →

Charges Dropped

Joe Alexander

My client was charged with misdemeanor Disturbing the Peace at Donner Lake. By giving the DA evidence that showed a more complete picture of the charged incident, I was able to demonstrate that prosecution was not warranted in this case. The DA agreed and dismissed the case outright.

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Jail Time Avoided

Danielle Keller

My client was charged with felony evading the police and driving under the influence. He faced six months in custody. I gathered and provided positive information about my client to the DA. Based on that information, the DA agreed to resolve the case for a misdemeanor with no in-custody time.

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Not Guilty Verdict on Attempted Murder

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My client faced life in prison for attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon resulting in great bodily injury, and battery with serious bodily injury. The alleged victim and one eyewitness said that my client stabbed the alleged victim in the gut without provocation. My client protested his innocence from the beginning, claiming self-defense. We investigated and found other eyewitnesses who were closer to the scene than the DA’s eyewitness. They saw my client getting beaten with a metal form stake. My cross-examination of the alleged victim and the prosecution eyewitness revealed great inconsistencies with the physical evidence and with the eyewitnesses we found. Ultimately, in under 2 hours, the jury acquitted the client of all charges and he was released from jail after years of incarceration. Continue reading →

Serious Felony Dismissed

Danielle Keller

My client was charged with a serious felony for allegedly assaulting a store employee during a theft. I reviewed all surveillance footage and was able to demonstrate to the DA that my client did not make physical contact with the employee. The felony was dismissed and the case resolved for a simple theft charge.

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Client Released from Jail

Roy Park

My client was a senior citizen charged with felony resisting and trying to remove the officer’s weapon. He was struggling in custody and not well. I was able to successfully argue that the court should reduce his bail to an amount my client could afford. My client posted bail and was released back home. Continue reading →

Immigration Consequence Avoided

Roy Park

My client was charged with misdemeanor resisting arrest. This charge carried significant potential consequences to her immigration status. She was a single mother raising a 10-year-old son. I was able to discuss the case with the DA and get an agreement to Deferred Entry of Judgement with an admission to an immigration-neutral charge. If she does well, she can earn a dismissal of the case in one year. Continue reading →