Cohen Defense Group Gets Results

Right to Drive Reinstated

Danielle Keller

My client lost his drivers’ license for driving under the influence. At a DMV hearing, the hearing officer confirmed a one year license suspension. We appealed that decision based on law enforcement’s failure to properly document the breathalyzer testing. We won on appeal and the client’s license was reinstated.

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Criminal Charges Avoided

Danielle Keller

My client was accused of committing a serious felony. I gathered positive information about my client and presented it to the DA before they charged the case. After reviewing what I provided, the DA declined to file charges.

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Strike Offenses Dismissed

danielle nygren headshot

My 18-year-old client was facing several serious felony charges that would qualify as “strikes” under the Three Strikes Law. A contentious hearing was held to determine if he should remain in custody while the case was pending. The judge allowed my client to go home over the DA’s objection. He did extremely well, working and paying for his own car and apartment. His case later resolved for an admission to one felony, with all the others being dismissed. Continue reading →

Client Avoids Prison

Joel Weinstein

Client had two strike offenses on his record. He was facing a felony for carrying a concealed weapon and was charged with resisting arrest. If convicted, he could have been sent to prison for several years. At the preliminary hearing I conducted a thorough cross-examination of the police officers and provided evidence to the judge that supported reducing the charges. The judge reduced the charges to misdemeanors, which meant the client couldn’t be sent to prison. The case resolved for one misdemeanor and client was released from custody. Continue reading →

Treatment Instead of Prison

Keegan Smith

My client was charged with felony assault with a firearm. She was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of one of the other parties and was a passenger when he took a gun to a fight. The DA wanted my client to spend almost three years in prison. I investigated the case fully, gathered positive information about my client, and negotiated intensely with the DA. After reviewing everything I provided, the DA agreed to accept a misdemeanor plea from my client and to allow her to serve her time in a residential treatment program, instead of in custody. Continue reading →

Juvenile Record Avoided

danielle nygren headshot

My client was facing a felony theft charge. I presented evidence of her good character to the DA. After reviewing it, the DA allowed my client to do community service and, upon completion, dismissed the charge prior to trial. Continue reading →

Felony Dismissed at Preliminary Hearing

Joel Weinstein

Client was charged with two misdemeanors and one felony count of fraud. I engaged in prolonged negotiations with the DA, trying to convince her to dismiss the felony count. I pointed out the weakness of her case on the felony charge, but she refused to dismiss it. I contested the felony at the preliminary hearing and the judge dismissed it for insufficient evidence. Continue reading →

Charges Reduced

Joel Weinstein

Client was charged with felony grand theft and conspiracy. I gathered extensive positive information about the client and reached out to the retail victim of the alleged crimes. After presenting this information to the DA during the negotiation process, the DA agreed to drop the felonies and resolve the case as a misdemeanor. Continue reading →

Felonies Dismissed

Keegan Smith

My client was charged with felonies for possessing a gun while carrying drugs and being under the influence, and with misdemeanor possession of a smoking device. I determined from the body camera footage that the gun was a revolver and the wheel was empty. I pointed out to the DA that the felony charges required them to prove that the gun was loaded and operable. The DA dismissed the felony charges and the case resolved for a misdemeanor with no additional jail time. Continue reading →

Strike Charge Dismissed

Joel Weinstein

Client had mental health issues and was on parole. He was charged with a serious felony that would count as a strike under the Three Strikes Law. The DA wanted him sentenced to four years in prison. At the preliminary hearing I cross-examined the police and parole officers extensively, and was able to demonstrate the weakness of the DA’s case. On the eve of trial, the DA agreed to dismiss the serious felony and release the client from jail in exchange for a plea to two misdemeanor charges. Continue reading →

Success at Preliminary Hearing

Joel Weinstein

Client was charged with two felonies and two misdemeanors. I fought the case at a preliminary hearing. The judge dismissed three out of the four counts for insufficient evidence and reduced the only remaining count from a felony to a misdemeanor. Continue reading →

Serious Felony Dismissed

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My juvenile client was charged with a serious felony that would count as a strike under the Three Strikes Law and would prevent him from joining the military. I gathered positive character evidence about my client and presented that to the DA. I pointed out the weaknesses in their case against my client. The DA dismissed the charge for insufficient evidence. Continue reading →

Felony Charges Avoided

Joel Weinstein

Client faced seven felony counts of animal cruelty. I presented good character evidence about the client and engaged in significant negotiations with the District Attorney. Ultimately, we were able to resolve the case for one misdemeanor charge, with no added time in jail and one year of probation. The balance of the felony charges were dismissed. Continue reading →

Gun Rights Preserved

Keegan Smith

My client was charged with felony transport or sale of an assault weapon. I put together a packet with positive information about my client and provided it to the Attorney General’s office, suggesting that my client admit a misdemeanor charge and participate in a Deferred Entry of Judgment program where he could earn a dismissal of the case after a year. After reviewing the mitigation and conferencing the case with me, the Deputy Attorney General agreed. This resolution allowed my client to maintain both his personal firearm rights and his license to deal firearms. Continue reading →

Felony Conviction Avoided

Joel Weinstein

Client was charged with 10 felony counts. If convicted, she could have faced years in prison. I engaged in intense negotiations with the DA, pointing out the weaknesses in his case and providing him with evidence of the client’s progress in treatment. After full consideration of the information I presented to him, the DA agreed to allow the client to admit one misdemeanor, dismissing all of the felony counts. I was also able to convince the judge not to take the client into custody, by contesting the evidence of continued drug use presented to the court by the Probation Department. Continue reading →

Domestic Violence Case Dismissed

Keegan Smith

My client was charged with domestic violence. I reviewed the body camera footage which revealed that my client was in fact just stopping a fight by separating people. I pointed this out to the DA and the case was dismissed. Continue reading →

Prison Avoided

Danielle Keller

My client is a mother of three who faced almost six years in prison. I filed a sentencing brief and argued at sentencing that she should be placed on probation instead. The judge agreed, allowing my client to continue with mental health treatment, continue working, and continue to care for her children.

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Charge Reduced

Danielle Keller

My client was charged with a misdemeanor for engaging in a speed contest. I gathered and presented positive information about my client to the DA. After reviewing what I presented, the DA agreed to reduce the charge to an infraction. This resolution protected my client’s record and avoided a term of probation.

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Juvenile Cases Dismissed

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My very young client was charged with resisting arrest and truancy. I filed a motion to suppress evidence for illegal behavior by the police and set the case for hearing and trial. On the day of trial, the DA dismissed the resisting arrest charge. My client improved his school attendance and earned a dismissal of the truancy case. Continue reading →

Felony Charges Dismissed

Joel Weinstein

Nineteen-year-old client was charged with felony drug possession, drug sales and forgery. I provided positive character evidence to the DA and negotiated a resolution that allowed the client to earn a dismissal of all charges after completing community service hours and attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Continue reading →