Serious Felony Dismissed

My client was charged with a serious felony for allegedly assaulting a store employee during a theft. I reviewed all surveillance footage and was able to demonstrate to the DA that my client did not make physical contact with the employee. The felony was dismissed and the case resolved for a simple theft charge.
Charges Reduced-Client Released

My client faced felony burglary and theft charges in three different cases. A warrant had been outstanding for a long time. When my client turned herself in on the warrant, I was able to demonstrate to the DA that she had been rehabilitated since her arrests. Based on that, the DA resolved the case for misdemeanors with no additional jail time.
Jail Time Avoided
Case Dismissed
Right to Drive Reinstated

My client lost his drivers’ license for driving under the influence. At a DMV hearing, the hearing officer confirmed a one year license suspension. We appealed that decision based on law enforcement’s failure to properly document the breathalyzer testing. We won on appeal and the client’s license was reinstated.
Criminal Charges Avoided
Prison Avoided

My client is a mother of three who faced almost six years in prison. I filed a sentencing brief and argued at sentencing that she should be placed on probation instead. The judge agreed, allowing my client to continue with mental health treatment, continue working, and continue to care for her children.
Charge Reduced

My client was charged with a misdemeanor for engaging in a speed contest. I gathered and presented positive information about my client to the DA. After reviewing what I presented, the DA agreed to reduce the charge to an infraction. This resolution protected my client’s record and avoided a term of probation.