Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor

My client was charged with felony child abuse. I filed a written motion to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. I presented evidence that parents were working with medical professionals to help the child, who had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome when they adopted him. I also gathered and presented character letters that showed a good deal of community support for my client. After considering everything, the judge reduced the charge to a misdemeanor. Continue reading →
Treatment Instead of Prison

My client was charged with felony assault with a firearm. She was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of one of the other parties and was a passenger when he took a gun to a fight. The DA wanted my client to spend almost three years in prison. I investigated the case fully, gathered positive information about my client, and negotiated intensely with the DA. After reviewing everything I provided, the DA agreed to accept a misdemeanor plea from my client and to allow her to serve her time in a residential treatment program, instead of in custody. Continue reading →
Domestic Violence Case Dismissed

My client was charged with domestic violence. I reviewed the body camera footage which revealed that my client was in fact just stopping a fight by separating people. I pointed this out to the DA and the case was dismissed. Continue reading →
Gun Rights Preserved

My client was charged with felony transport or sale of an assault weapon. I put together a packet with positive information about my client and provided it to the Attorney General’s office, suggesting that my client admit a misdemeanor charge and participate in a Deferred Entry of Judgment program where he could earn a dismissal of the case after a year. After reviewing the mitigation and conferencing the case with me, the Deputy Attorney General agreed. This resolution allowed my client to maintain both his personal firearm rights and his license to deal firearms. Continue reading →
Felonies Dismissed

My client was charged with felonies for possessing a gun while carrying drugs and being under the influence, and with misdemeanor possession of a smoking device. I determined from the body camera footage that the gun was a revolver and the wheel was empty. I pointed out to the DA that the felony charges required them to prove that the gun was loaded and operable. The DA dismissed the felony charges and the case resolved for a misdemeanor with no additional jail time. Continue reading →